
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Our Meet Cute

Yes, I just referenced The Holiday with Cameron Diaz. If you haven't seen the movie, a 'meet cute' is the first scene in which the two main characters meet. I think it's supposed to be two characters who eventually fall in love, but our meet cute was the start of a life long adventure.

I am not a big believer in fate. I believe things work out in the end because everything works out, but not necessarily because things are "destined to be." I do, however, truly and honestly believe that Luka and I were meant to choose each other.

With my graduation for nursing school approaching, it was time to turn my sights on a new dream. I decided to pursue starting my own therapy dog program in Las Vegas because it seemed like the perfect way to combine my two loves: nursing and dogs. Having wanted my own dog since the age of five, I began researching Golden Retriever breeders in my area. I imagined a perfect, English Golden, gentle and smart, to tote with me to different hospitals while brightening up the days of the patients who needed him the most. In the summer of 2012 I finally settled on a breeder and, best friend in tow, went to meet her and her current litter of puppies. I think I actually turned to goo the first moment I laid eyes on those squirming puppies; I was in heaven. I put my deposit down for a puppy due the summer of 2013 and spent the rest of the summer "puppy nesting." Throughout the following school year I researched, read, and prepared myself for my puppy. I agonized over names, and even convinced my mom to get me a 900 series crate for Christmas in lieu of a present for myself. On long nights of studying I would motivate myself by thinking of the puppy waiting on the other side of graduation.

May came, I received my diploma, packed up my Chicago apartment, and flew home to Vegas. I emailed the breeder often, requesting information and eagerly waiting to hear that one of her females was pregnant. Finally, the bad news came. She had bred one female with no success, and was unsure when the other would come into heat due to a move and other stressful events. I had a narrow window between graduation, taking my NCLEX, and getting a job in which to get a puppy if I was going to be able to spend the time with it I wanted to. Devastated, I requested my deposit back, and realized that deep down maybe I had known all along that I was destined for a pound puppy.

I scoured animal shelter websites searching for the puppy I had pictured in my mind. I was out to dinner with my mom when she finally convinced me to go to the shelter in person and look at the dogs they had to offer. Despite having seen nothing on their site, I agreed and we drove to the shelter. I walked through a couple of the bungalows before asking a volunteer where the puppies were. The bungalow she directed us did have puppies, but I was dismayed to find dozens of Chihuahua puppies. I turned a corner however, and was met with a kennel of German Shepherd mixes. I think I could have settled for one of those puppies and have been perfectly content. At that point I wanted a puppy so bad I probably would have been ecstatic with any puppy. However, I took a couple more steps and saw the fuzziest, cutest little ball of adorable I had ever laid eyes on. I knew in that moment that I had to hold him. My mom urged me to go find a volunteer to get him out but I refused to move from in front of his door. I was terrified that someone else would find him and claim him while I was gone. When a volunteer finally wandered by, opened the cage and handed him to me, it took four seconds for me to know I was taking him home.

He was perfect. Everything from his wet little nose to his new puppy smell made me fall more in love. I think I pretended to think about it further so I could hold on to him longer. He was wriggly and lick-y and everything I hadn't known I wanted. His cage listed him as a German Shepherd mix (no relation to the GSD mixes in the kennel next to his), a breed I had considered before deciding on a Golden Retriever. I wasn't allowed to take him home that night, he needed to be neutered, but I could pick him up the following afternoon. That night was filled with puppy preparation, setting up his crate, washing his bowls, buying the dog food he was on, taking tags off of all those toys, collars, and leashes I had bought when I was puppy nesting, and A LOT of dancing around.

Saturday, June 1st was puppy day. Picking him up from the shelter, cone head and all, was one of the brightest moments in my life. As we walked out to the parking lot I told him how long I had waited for him, and I promised to give him the best life I possibly could.

Our first picture together

Little cone head

Getting in the car to head home

The rest is history (with a lot of ups and downs and accidents in the house and whining at night and teething.)

Our adventure has just begun.

-Allie and Luka

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